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January 15, 2017

Nostaliga 2016: Secrets, Santas and Children

Post Views: 562 And this children is how I met your mother…ok I am kidding. But what I am about to tell you is a journey of epic significance. So sit back, grab a cuppa, maybe a comfy cushion and that doughnut you have been eyeing for the past hour and read on. This is...
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Nostalgia 2016: Midtown Day

Post Views: 321 Drawing closer to the end of 2016 saw the club with a flurry of activities, and today we take a walk back as we reminise on some of the key events that took place because after all the past defines who we were and points us to where we have to go...
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iGenius 2017

Post Views: 1,334 It’s already half way into January 2017 and already we have been having a very busy first half. With so many events taking place it’s really bang off start into what is promising to be a very productive year for us here at Midtown. Just to give a glimpse of the events...
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410 Gone

410 Gone
