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Road journeys have always fascinated me. On such journeys, we always tend to take the window seat to have a view of the trees, green fields, roads and other interesting things that come along the way, but this was not just any road trip. This was with the Rotaract family where atmosphere inside the bus is expected to be more interesting than the views outside. To start this journey we met in our usual pickup point, the Race course.

Race course was abuzz at 9 pm on a cold night on 4th of October. People were gathering around, jokes were told, laughter was heard around, simply put it was a family looking forward to having a good weekend. Few were going in and out of McDonalds for a bite to refresh themselves. Few others were just gathered around talking. The cold night seemed to embrace the fact that it wasn’t going to affect or change the minds of the joyous crowd tonight.

The transport had arrived, a quick briefing session was on, luggage was loaded onto the bus and when everyone was settled in we took off. Our first destination was Badulla. The bus took off and not even seconds later the bus was loud, sounds echoing off like we were in an amphitheater, everyone was letting off steam. It was a sign that the weekend was not only going to be great, but the memories were going to be unforgettable. Songs started off with a blast, literally, dove right into the fast-paced beats. Few others were exhausted from a long week and were already dozing off. The night was young, it was just the beginning.

After a few hours the songs died, and the bus was quiet. The only noise that could be heard was the rumbling of the bus on its way. Most of crowd was fast asleep. The night kept getting colder, the more we kept going away from Colombo. The temperature started to drop down. Our 1st stop for a break and to have something to munch was at a small roadside stop. The air was chilly at around 20°. People were getting off the bus to give their feet some breathing space and to have a bite or two with a warm cup of good old Lankan tea or as we call it “Plain Tea”. After taking a step into the shop, the hunger got the better of everyone and they did not even wait for the shop cook to start making the rottis but did it themselves. A while later it was the same with the tea. There was laughter all around as we ourselves were getting rotti and tea orders from our fellow family members.

Tummies content and legs stretched out, we were ready to make way to our first destination for a quick fresh up and breakfast before we headed out for the Installation ceremony of RAC Badulla. The bus was on its way and everyone was re-energized, and the songs were once more loud and clear. 2 hours later we reached our first place of stay to refresh ourselves. The atmosphere was crisp even though it was misty. It was a pure breath of fresh air, different from the usual hustle and bustle of the city life that we were used to. Even though we were tired everyone still had this fresh look on their faces. It was pure bliss.

We got to the accommodation, and everyone was rushing towards plug ports. Phones were being put to charge in bulk, and it was then people started unpacking and jumping onto the beds to have a quick power nap, but the scenery was being asked to be captured. Phones in our hands, we walked towards a small stream to capture the beauty of nature. The air was so refreshing to breathe in, and the greenery around was like a picture out of a book. Pictures were taken, memories were captured. Maybe it was the cold, because everyone was hungry again. We headed back to the accommodation and headed towards the breakfast hall. Breakfast was freshly made bread with Dhal and Sri Lankan Pol Sambol. It was delicious, flavorsome and mouth-watering (or maybe we were just hungry). We washed it down with some tea. Few photo sessions and then we were on our way to RAC Badulla Installation at the Uva Wellassa University. It took us an hour to reach the destination and the University was another spectacle surrounded by greenery all around it. In the distance we could see mountains. It was as if God had hand drawn an image for the human eye to behold in wonder.

At the installation we were welcomed with a token (a wooden spoon and fork with the words “ROTARACT” engraved on them). We were given ‘Beli Mal’ juice in coconut shell cups to promote green nature with a few pieces of jaggery along with it. The installation was under way. The 18-19 President began proceedings with a speech, followed by a speech from the president and the secretary. The board of RAC Badulla 19-20 was introduced and a small band session was played. Few felicitations were made for the previous board and to congratulate the new board. The installation was called to and end and off we headed to have lunch (I’m pretty sure it was the cold that was making us hungry). Lunch was served in a carefully wrapped banana leave. It was the usual Sri Lankan rice and curry, but the catch here was the desert. We were served mangoes of exquisite taste. It was as if they were made of cotton, soft yet extremely delicious. Lunch being done we headed back to the hall to click some pictures with the RAC Badulla board members.

After the photo session was done it was a 5-minute walk back to the bus. Few more pictures were clicked along the way and even though there was a slight drizzle we opted to walk the remainder of the way to the bus. Once we were all settled in on the bus, we were on our way to Nuwara Eliya as we were planning to stay at a rest stop for the night. 5 pm and it already looked like the 8pm night sky of Colombo, but what made it unique was the temperature which dropped down to a mere 14°. This journey was quiet long and almost everyone was fast asleep. The sounds that could be heard were that of the bus engine and random toots of the drivers passing by. After a long long day, what everyone wanted was a long hot shower, plenty of food to fill our tummies and a nice warm bed. Few hours later we had finally arrived at our destination to stay the night.

Everything was a bit of a hustle as everyone was rushing towards the washrooms to get themselves freshened up. We were dived into assigned rooms and we headed off to the rooms and promised to meet back in 2 hours to have dinner. After two hours it was high time for foooooooood, for the rumbling tummies (why does it feel that this trip was all about eating). Dinner was being served, two floors up, it was a cozy spot, with the roof slanting in at a point to make it the walls as well. It was more like a mini pyramid with a lot of space (cozy ain’t it?). We had rice, bread, onion sambol, and chicken for dinner. People dived into their plates and attacked the food with such gusto, hunger was evident. After a quiet few moments the place was lively again, with laughter and jokes all around. Dinner was yummy, second helpings were on and finally it was time to head off to bed after a tiring day, but Sri Lanka was playing Pakistan and now our eyes were glued to the TV. Thankfully Sri Lanka pulled off a win and we went to bed with our hearts content.

The morning was cold to the bone, and the view outside was breathtaking. The lush mountain side with the mist all around us was like something out of a story book where the author describes scenery. The chilly breeze was so cold against our skin, sending shivers down our spines, in simple words the morning was something to be experienced by everyone. Everyone headed to the breakfast to once again to fill their tummies up (seriously now why is this all about eating). Breakfast was the usual bread rice and spicy gravy, downed down with coffee and tea. Breakfast being done, it was another photo session again. Pictures being taken, followed by a “BOOMERANG” and then off we got packed into the bus, and next destination, here we come!

We were off to the installation ceremony of RAC Hatton. It took us about approximately between 1 to 2 hours to get to our proposed destination. The bus dropped us off and we had to take a 10-minute walk up a quiet small incline slope. We got there a few minutes late and the installation had already begun. We took our places while the proceedings were on. Same as all other installation, it was speeches and the board being introduced, followed by felicitations and finish off with a picture (I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want me to go into all details). Once everything was called off, we headed towards the dining area where RAC Hatton hosted us for lunch. The lunch was different from the ones we had. There were two types of rice with 2 different curries, few other sambols and papadam, for dessert we had ice cream. Songs which were being played in the background was slowly increased and the crowd was gathered for 5-minute dance. Everyone then headed off to RAC Hatton IPP’s house as she was kind enough to host us for tea and coffee. Before we began our journey back to Colombo we gathered for one last group picture with all our respective club banners.

The drive back to Colombo was a long drive in the night. People right at the front were fast asleep, people at the back were signing. The group at the middle was into an intense game of truth or dare. Questions asked, answers given, dare asked to be performed, it was a nice bonding session for the family out there inside the bus, making things happen. One last stop for a quick breather and some refreshments before the final stop at Colombo and everyone refreshed themselves, had a quick bite, bought some snacks and we were on our way. Getting close to Colombo the crowd was fast asleep and once again it was a quiet night. Finally, we were at Colombo race course, people got off and all the luggage was out. Goodbyes were said coming to the end of another successful trip.

There were few ups and down, then again that’s the usual at any given time. All in all, the trip was amazing and wonderful, with so much bonding and fun being had. We will always look back on these days through rose colored glasses, just to remember all the good and amazing memories and times we had created here!

By Rtr. Abdul Kaliq | Email:

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