Drawing closer to the end of 2016 saw the club with a flurry of activities, and today we take a walk back as we reminise on some of the key events that took place because after all the past defines who we were and points us to where we have to go (Editor: you can quote me on this, I really felt this lightbulb moment as I was writing these lines).
So what was and is Midtown Day? Midtown is a club event that takes place on a regular basis so it really is like the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek universe. It keeps getting better and better to infinity and beyond and it is captained by different people, all with the goal of reaching new frontiers. Take our poster campaign for this event and you get the idea, though we went with the guardians of the galaxy idea.
The aim of Midtown day, which is a club services project, is to bring old and new Midtowners including prospectives together with fun and interactive activities with the aim of educating them on Midtown. Basically it’s the 101 on what Midtown is all about and it gives a great opportunity for new recruits to meet the captain and crew that drive this ship and how they can fit in.
We had great participation and several fun activities planned on that day. Here is a sneak peak at the day
- Mal and Salman had a short general meeting
- Rtr. Muji couldnt make it but Rtr. ZJ took his place
- ZJ started out with a fun exercise so that everyone got comfortable with whoever sat on their right and left.
- Then he spoke about Rotaract and broke it down, from our roots with the Rotary movement to the 4 avenues of Rotaract, and the benefits of being in a club.
- Once the long speech was done, we were put to another group activity with cards. — some teams thrived whilst others, not so much.
- Rtr. Nafli also brought out the fact of how Rotaract helps its members discover more bout ourselved through his own story of his first year at Rotaract.
- We finally ended the night with some refreshments and mingling.
Overall, it was a wonderful moment where curious induviduals were learning about what we could do as a community- while members of Mid Town felt a surge of pride and affirmation in the movement they’ve joined.
Link: Handbook for those who are interested..
photographs of the event on fb, insta message 🙂