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Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town

Colombo Blind Walk

Post Views: 402 October is usually known for Halloween prep, but this year the Rotary Club of Colombo Midtown (our parent club) busied themselves with another global event: World Sight Day. World Sight Day is celebrated every second thursday of October, so on the 13th in collaboration with 5 other clubs, we set out to...
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Midtown Trip 2016 | Leena Lagoon

Post Views: 338 The following article is written by Rtr. Miyuru D and edited by Rtr. Malesha R Since the day I joined the club, we’ve been trying to organise club trip… that’s four years in the making since back then to now. It was Rtr. Riffath who was the Secretary when I joined, then...
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1st Rotary VTT to Bangalore

Post Views: 323 Rotary laid the platform for our Midtowners to visit NASSCOM to IT ministry, the IT giants in Bangalore including Tech Mahindra, Wipro, Infosys and Oracle Bosch. Midtown rotary sponsored the budding IT individuals a valuable opportunity to witness an wider realm to IT Objectives -The main objective of this project by the...
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Project #LightUp Phase II

Post Views: 312 A project which was initiated with the sole objective of eradicating darkness in areas which is needed the most. We need a solution to eradicate the electricity issue in rural areas which doesn’t have the basic need to light. We couldn’t have helped a lot if we found a way to get...
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Project #LightUp Phase I

Post Views: 320 A project which was initiated with the sole objective of eradicating darkness in areas which is needed the most. We need a solution to eradicate the electricity issue in rural areas which doesn’t have the basic need to light. We couldn’t have helped a lot if we found a way to get...
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World Street Kids Day

Post Views: 378 The project was planned to take place in the world street kids day. Midtown in collaboration with Rotaract club of SLIIT planned to provide stationary items for kids in a particular area who were finding it hard to continue with their basic education due to their situations at home. Some even runaways...
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Rotary VTT to Bangalore

Post Views: 343 Rotary laid the platform for our Midtowners to visit NASSCOM to IT ministry, the IT giants in Bangalore including Tech Mahindra, Wipro, Infosys and Oracle Bosch. Midtown rotary sponsored the budding IT individuals a valuable opportunity to witness an wider realm to IT Objectives -The main objective of this project by the...
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Rotasia Sri Lanka 2016

Post Views: 393 Rotasia paves the platform to build networks and concentrate ideas and efforts to work together for a common agenda of youths in general. ROTASIA is generally understood as a 3-4 day conference for youths with invitees from Rotaract. This year Sri Lanka had the privilege to host to Rotasia. Starting with a...
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Rotasia 2016

Post Views: 330 Rotasia paves the platform to build networks and concentrate ideas and efforts to work together for a common agenda of youths in general. ROTASIA is generally understood as a 3-4 day conference for youths with invitees from Rotaract. This year Sri Lanka had the privilege to host to Rotasia. Starting with a...
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Fanatic Futsal 2015

Post Views: 304 Fanatic Futsal was a fundraiser project which was initiated to fund project Light up. We were able to not only find LKR 25,000/= but also made sure that it reached a wider audience around the globe. Local footballers from Brazil shared the fanatic futsal Trailer on Facebook for its entertaining amusement on...
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Cluster Project 2015 (Cluster 07)

Post Views: 335 The cluster 7, the collective effort of 7 Rotaract clubs falling under this category organized this workshop. With the aim of inspiring students after the completion of Advanced level and to all those interesting in gaining an in-depth knowledge on the topic of Photography and Hypnotism. Public Relations Plan CIRCLE 2015, was...
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Hopper Night 2015

Post Views: 374 Hopper night is an annual yet traditional event. It is a treat given to the board of Directors to the Rotaract family as a vote of thanks for the continuous support rendered and friendship. All Rotaract clubs with which club Mid-Town has closely worked through out the years and the sponsoring Rotary...
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