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Midtown Trip 2016 | Leena Lagoon

Post Views: 338 The following article is written by Rtr. Miyuru D and edited by Rtr. Malesha R Since the day I joined the club, we’ve been trying to organise club trip… that’s four years in the making since back then to now. It was Rtr. Riffath who was the Secretary when I joined, then...
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Fanatic Futsal 2015

Post Views: 300 Fanatic Futsal was a fundraiser project which was initiated to fund project Light up. We were able to not only find LKR 25,000/= but also made sure that it reached a wider audience around the globe. Local footballers from Brazil shared the fanatic futsal Trailer on Facebook for its entertaining amusement on...
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Hopper Night 2015

Post Views: 372 Hopper night is an annual yet traditional event. It is a treat given to the board of Directors to the Rotaract family as a vote of thanks for the continuous support rendered and friendship. All Rotaract clubs with which club Mid-Town has closely worked through out the years and the sponsoring Rotary...
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Mid-Town Day 2015

Post Views: 366 Mid Town Day was project proposed to double up the membership of the club by encouraging each Rotaractor in the club to bring in one prospective each. Further, the event was planned to give a clear idea of Rotaract to the Members who recently joined the club. Midtown day also helped build...
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Installation Ceremony of the 36th President Zayan Jeffry

Post Views: 409 The Installation ceremony is the well- awaited Rotaract event during which the Board of Directors are officially elected amidst the Rotaract, Interact,Rotary and family. The Induction of the new Board of the club as well as the display of past years events mainly inclusive of all projects done are show-cased to all...
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Annual Rotaract Ifthar 2015

Post Views: 745 The Rotaract District 3220 along with the Rotaract Clubs of American National College, Centennial United, Colombo Fort, Colombo Mid Town, Colombo Millennium City, Colombo North, Colombo West, Excellence College of Management and University of Sri Jayewardenepura successfully organized the project with over 200 Rotaractors participating at Rtr. Amjad’s residence, Dehiwala. The evening...
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