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Midtown Diaries
Two lives, entwined by Injustice

Two Lives, Entwined by Injustice

Post Views: 2,133 Found Guilty of Murder #2 In the late 60s, the fates of two young white ambitious women destined to never meet were forever entangled with each other, in an unravelling, tragic turn of events that echoes even today, in articles, podcasts, documentaries. A legacy they didn’t ask for.  Mary Shotwell Little. The...
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Let Love Live

Let Love Live

Post Views: 1,214 The acronym for LGBTQ is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning. Such terms are used to identify the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual. Lots of people fancy people of the same sex as them, being attracted to someone of the same sex is usual, natural and makes...
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Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Arts

The installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Arts

Post Views: 1,555 The Installation ceremony of the 11th President Rtr. Methmini Kariyakarawana of the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Arts was held on the 21st of September 2020 from 6:30 PM onwards at the New Arts Theatre (NAT). The Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town was present to witness and rejoice...
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பாலியல் சமத்துவம்

Post Views: 1,260 சமத்துவம் அல்லது பாகுபாடு காட்டாதது என்பது ஒவ்வொரு நபருக்கும் சமமான வாய்ப்புகளையும் உரிமைகளையும் ஆண் பெண் வேறுபாடின்றி பெறும் நிலையே ஆகும். சமூகத்தில் உள்ள ஒவ்வொரு நபரும் தமக்கும் அனைத்திலும் சம அந்தஸ்து வாய்ப்பு மற்றும் உரிமைகளை பெற வேண்டும் என்ற தவிப்புடன் இருக்கின்றனர். மனிதர்களிடையே நிறைய பாகுபாடு உள்ளது என்பது பொதுவான கணிப்பீடாகும். கலாச்சார வேறுபாடு, புவியியல் வேறுபாடு, மற்றும் பாலினம் ஆகியவற்றின் காரணமாக பாகுபாடு நிலவுகிறது. பாலினத்தை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்ட...
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Pandemic Diaries – The Rotaract Club of RIC

Post Views: 1,626 #2.PanVantage by The Rotaract Club of RIC Dear Diary, This is the second entry for the ‘Pandemic Diaries’ blog series. Here’s an account of the exemplary efforts of the Rotaract Club of RIC with regards to the Stop the Spread initiative. We have all gone through various challenging phases in our lives...
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Mid Town Big Bash 2021

Post Views: 1,991 This article is not biased (maybe, maybe not only I would know evil laugh) because I was the scorekeeper for the Mid Town Big Bash 2021!! Every time we hear the words “How was that?”, “Bowled out” or” Caught”, we can only think of the heartbeats, the cheering, the pressure and the...
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The Installation Ceremony of the 2nd President Rtr. Duneshkanth of the Rotaract Club of Matale

Post Views: 1,841 The Installation Ceremony of the 2nd President Rtr. Duneshkanth and the Board of Directors of the Rotaract Club of Matale was held on the 25th of October virtually via Google Meets. We, MidTowners, witnessed this event and cherished the moment as they stepped into another amazing year of their Rotaract legacy. The...
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The Installation Ceremony of the 8th President Rtr. Janith Thillekasekara of the Rotaract Club NSBM

Post Views: 1,863 The installation ceremony of the National School of Business Management was held on the 4th of November 2020 with the 8th President Rtr. Janith Thillekasekara and the Board of Directors of the Rotaract Club of National School of Business Management. The ceremony was broadcasted live on Facebook & YouTube. The Sergeant at...
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What is the MMDA?

Post Views: 2,668 Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) was enacted in the year 1951 to govern Muslim inhabitants who marry another Muslim (including converts to Islam). The root of the Sri Lankan MMDA derives from the marriage and divorce code of law exported from Batavia (present-day Indonesia) during the Dutch rule of 1770. Between...
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Pandemic Diaries – The Rotaract Club of KDU

Post Views: 1,654 #1.Let’s Protect by The Rotaract Club of KDU Dear Diary, This is the first entry for the ‘Pandemic Diaries’ blog series. Here’s an account of the commendable efforts of the Rotaract Club of KDU with regards to the stop the spread initiative. The year 2020 was a catastrophic one for the entire...
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Found Guilty Of Murder 1

Anthony Baekeland

Post Views: 3,161 Found Guilty of Murder #1 Hello and Welcome to the first of many of our creepy murder stories. Today we are going to talk about one of the most socialite people back in the 1970s: Barbara Daly Baekeland. Let me start you off with a beautiful tale of how it all began....
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410 Gone

410 Gone
