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3.2 billion People all over the world use social media on a regular basis. What is better than spreading awareness about social issues and problems on such a large platform? 

Not only is it cheap and convenient, but we can reach 3.2 billion people all at once! 

Understanding the importance of social media, Rotaract Club of Delhi Janak along with 21 other clubs have come up with a social media awareness campaign- Project Cognizance. Under this, we will be creating infographics on important and undermined social issues, with one main purpose- high reach awareness. Through this project, we will be able to reach the masses, which would not have been possible offline. 

Recently, under Project Cognizance, we spread awareness about hepatitis- an undermined yet deadly disease, with no symptoms. This was an effort to make people aware that they might have a disease and not know about it! Urging them to get a medical check up, we tried to lessen the number of people not diagnosed and treated for hepatitis, not only in India, but all over the world. 

Project Cognizance is a true example of rotary connects the world. We are connecting with people all over the world, bringing forth problems that need to be addressed to make society a better place for everyone. 

Apart from spreading awareness, Project Cognizance has also brought together some of the biggest Rotaract clubs to work for a cause on a very high scale. 

According to the president of Rotaract club of Delhi Janak, 

“Teaching us teamwork, helping us reach and help more people and connecting us with the world, Project Cognizance brings forth the true essence of rotary theme 19-20 – Rotary connects the world.”

An honest and meaningful approach, we hope that Project Cognizance is able to bring out a positive change in the society, so that less people suffer and more people are aware.

By RAC Delhi Janak RID 3011 (India)

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