Under ordinary circumstances an installation would be held in a venue with Rotaract protocols being followed and everyone getting to interact with one another, nevertheless, we were robbed of the opportunity to conduct our 42nd installation physically. But such an instance gave us the opportunity to put our thinking caps on and look for novel and unorthodox means to conduct the installation.
The then incoming President Rtr. Ahmed Hibshi presented his first plan for the year, to conduct not just a virtual installation spanning a few hours, but a virtual installation week. Due to the ensuing lockdown, this idea appeared to be the best course of action and the entire club moved into full throttle to put the plan into fruition.
It was planned simply and methodically. Commencing from the 19th of July (which was a Monday), prescheduled videos based on PR material and installation formalities would be posted onto the club social media pages i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Linked In & Tik Tok.
Day 1 to 3 consisted of videos on the club president being collared & receiving the charter certificate. This was a highly anticipated moment for the entire club, to see the 42nd President take up the mantle.
Days 4 to 6 saw the introduction of the board members divided by the relevant avenues, where their pictures were made into a video and shared and speeches by dignitaries.
Finally, Day 7 marked the conclusion of the virtual installation week, witnessing the incoming secretary Rtr. Rtn. Ovin Bimsara deliver the vote of thanks and felicitation videos from club Presidents and Secretaries of Rotaract clubs within the district.
Further, we as a club would like to thank each and every individual who took their valuable time to send in felicitations and a massive congratulations to the organizing committee who pulled off such a unique & extraordinary installation. The 42nd installation of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town will definitely go down in history as one of the best and ingenious installations in our 42 years of service.
Signing into the year 2021/2022, here’s to another year of service, fellowship and hope of participating in physical events in the foreseeable future.
Written By
Rtr. Aakil Riyaz
Rtr. Kaizer Majid
Vice President