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The installation ceremony of the 17th President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown

The installation ceremony of the 17th President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne and the Board of Directors of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown was held on the 9th of August 2020 at the Royal College Union Skills Centre and the ceremony was broadcasted live on Facebook.

The event commenced with the arrival of the Chief Guest Rtn. Vishwa Lokugamage and the other dignitaries. The lighting of the traditional oil lamp was done and the dignitaries were invited to take their seats at the head table. 

The ceremony was called to order by the outgoing President Rtr. Nikini Hapuarachchi and followed by the Rotaract formalities by the Club service Director Rtr. Thanuri Leelaratne.

The Secretary’s Report for the year 2019-20 was presented by the outgoing Secretary’s Rtr. Shabnam Mohamed and Githma Wijeratne which included all the projects and the events done by the Club in the previous years. A video of 2019-2020 projects was played which included memorable photographs and memories.

Outgoing President Rtr. Nikini Hapuarachchi speaking as president for one last time.

Then the outgoing President Rtr. Nikini Hapuarachchi addressed the gathering and shared her thoughts. She thanked each and everyone for their tremendous support to a successful and impactful year.

Collaring of President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne

The outgoing President Rtr. Nikini Hapuarachchi collared the incoming President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne and officially handed over the duties and the responsibilities of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown to the incoming President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne for the year 2020-21.

President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne speaking for the first time as president of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown.

Then the new President Rtr. Megara Wijemanne addressed the gathering and briefed the audience with her year plan, where she started planning the year during a highly uncertain time when the whole country was in lockdown. She also stated that “It is our generation’s opportunity to put all our differences aside and work as one nation. It is our chance to go beyond words and be a generation of action. Highly talented individuals in the board of officials and are hardworking now itself”. The theme for the year is “Make an Impact”, which would be incorporated in all upcoming projects. Next, she introduced the new Board of Directors for the year 2020-21.

Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2020-21

District Rotaract Representative Kasun Kavindra Sigera was then invited to address the gathering. He congratulated the newly appointed President and her Board of Directors for a successful year ahead. This was followed by the Chief Guest Rtn. Vishwa Lokugamage. 

Secretary Rtr. Akmal Afzal delivering the vote of thanks.

The installation ceremony was concluded with the Vote of Thanks delivered by the Incoming Secretary Rtr. Akmal Afzal. 

We, the Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town would like to convey best wishes to Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown to thrive towards the pinnacle in the upcoming journey while striving as one!

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