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Every year I try to make it a point to visit some place that I’ve never been before.

Sri Lanka was always on my list and thanks to Rotaract club of Pune Camp Next Gen, I got a chance to visit Sri Lanka for an Inter District Youth Exchange.

The plan was of 4 nights 5 days and it turns out that just wasn’t enough as we could have easily stayed longer to spend time with the lovely team there. It is an understatement when I say that Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with such welcoming people.

“Travel is.. Getting to know yourself, new people & explore places by facing new experiences..”

My Rotaract friends of District 3131: Rtr. Priyanka Dhamale, Rtr. Tanishka Jadhav, Rtr. Avadhut Patil & Rtr. Sarabdeep Singh and I traveled on 15th October this year. Our flight was from Pune to Colombo and eventful in itself, but hey, that’s a story for another day.

Upon arrival, we were welcomed with beautiful white lotuses from Rtr. Shehani Leo from RAC University of Colombo faculty of Management & Finance & Rtr. Nipun Alwis from RAC Colombo Mid town.

From there on, everyone and everything was just superb. We visited Colombo, Kandy & Negombo and in the process I learnt few Sinhalese words like ayubowen, bohman istuti, to greet people there.

A short Description:

Colombo: Capital of Sri Lanka and a lively modern city. Places we visited here are Independence Square, Laksala, Colombo City Center, Majestic City and many more.  Local food dishes we tried like String hoppers, Ullandhu vada, etc. were so yummy and filling.  Most of all such lively people who hosted us so well 🙂

Kandy: Second largest heritage city in Sri Lanka. It is beautiful, green hill side place. One of the most sacred places of worship in Buddhist world. We visited Bahirawakanda Temple, University of Peradeniya, Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, Arthur’s Point. People here are so welcoming and kind-hearted.  They also made us try different and tasty Local food here.

Negombo: The wide sandy beaches and the safe sea are the main attractions of Negombo. We visited the St. Sebastian church – katuwapitiya (bomb attacked place), Dutch fort, Browns beach.  No wonder the town is a gourmet food lover’s paradise. People here are amazing too.

Despite not having a lot of time there I quickly fell in love with the island. We made so many Sri Lankan Rotaract friends for life, wonderful people I must say!  They hosted us so well and are very energetic, active & welcoming in nature.

Ending this with a Special thanks to the Rotaractors : DRR Krishan Balaji, Nipun, Shehani, Dina, Haadiyah, Tashiya, Shanithi, Sajani, Pasan, Rashmik, Rashmi, Keith, Saseni, Kenneth, Lahiru, Pahan, Fawaz, Kevin, Rehan, Angelo, Dilky, Samith, Lassith, Rajeev, Thilaan, Nimesh and so on.. Apologies if i have missed any.

Wish we could stay more time with you guys in Sri Lanka. This will be my most memorable trip ever!

See you guys soon in India for the next IDYEP 🙂

Thanking you,

Rtr. Sonal Jain | Editor of Rotaract Club of Pune Camp Next Gen

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